Jacob A. van der Kolk, Ph.D.

Instructor, Researcher, Translator, Coder

jakevanderkolk@protonmail.com (PGP Public Key)

Digital Humanities Project

Antiqua Conversion, Annotation, and Abridgement of Wilfrid Bade's Trommlerbub unterm Hakenkreuz.
Bade in Antiqua Bade in Fraktur

A conversion of a Nazi young adult propaganda novel to a more "student-friendly" form in Antiqua complete with glosses and annotations and abridged from its original Fraktur form.

Coding/Scripting Projects

Hostsblock: An ad- and malware-blocking cronscript for Linux

Hostsblock is a bash script for Linux designed to take advantage of the HOSTS file available in all operating systems to provide system-wide blocking of internet advertisements, malicious domains, trackers, and other undesirable content. To do so, it downloads a configurable set of blocklists and processes their entries into a single HOSTS file.

Hostsblock also includes hostsblock-urlcheck, a command-line utility that allows you to block and unblock certain websites and any other domains contained in that website, in the event that the included blocklists don't block enough or block too little on a specific site.

Textual Analysis Scripts

As part of my dissertation and follow up publications, I created several scripts designed to provide quantitative analysis of texts, such as relative word affinities (how disproportionately particular words appear near other particular words.)

update-gcalendar: A Conky script for Google Calendar.

update-gcalendar is a perl script that outputs calendar information to conky. It requires: gcalcli.

Download: update-gcalendar.pl.xz

update-mail: A Gmail notification script.

update-mail is a perl script that provides libnotify pop-ups and/or an output file for conky to display. It requires curl.

Download: update-mail.pl.xz